find . but not access subdirectories


I'm trying to figure out how to prevent this find command from accessing this diretories's subdirectories!

I tried the maxdepth and prune but they don't seem to work on SUN. So now i'm trying to set up a nawk command to not process any files that have "REVISED" in there name:

find . -name "???CQ???.TXT.out" | nawk ~/REVISED/ '{print $1}'

Thanks very much for any help with the find or the nawk commands!

BobK :confused:

Can you just simply use the following?

ls ???CQ???.TXT.out

well i have that same file name ???CQ???... in the parent and sub/child directories, so i want to prevent the child directory file names from being printed.

when i use the ~/REVISED/ it seems to me that should cause the /REVISED/ or child directories to not be printed, so what would the syntax then be to say:

 don't print any file name with /REVISED/ in it?


ok got it thanks alot!

find . -name "???CQ???.TXT.out" | awk '$1!~/REVISED/{print $1}'

its the !