Find and replace the path value in files, pattern is not full known.


I need to do find and replace, but the pattern is not full known.

for example,
my file has /proj/app-d1/sun or /data/site-d1/conf
here app-d1 and site-d1 is not constant. It may be different in different files. common part is /proj/xx/sun and /data/xxx/conf

i want to find where ever /proj/xxx/sun or /data/xxx/conf present and replace it with the path value i desire which i have constant values. please suggest how to do this.

Below is the one line which has the patterns to find, i want to replace it with differnt path. here cesite1-d1 is not constant, it may be different in other files.

if [ -f /data/cesite1-d1/conf/source.txt]; then . /data/cesite1-d1/conf/source.txt; fi


ls -d data/*/conf | while read PN; do [ -f $PN/source.txt ] && . $PN/source.txt; done

(untested) do what you need? If not, supply more details.

Let me explain in different way.

i have two files, a.txt , b.txt

 more a.txt


more b.txt


now after find and replace, i need a.txt and b.txt to be like this.

more a.txt


more b.txt


though originally, a.txt and b.txt has different path values, after find and replace it is same.

And what would your code snippet in post#1 have done to those files a.txt and b.txt?

No it is not my code snippet, it is part of my a.txt. i just copied it from the file.sorry for the confusion. ignore that if statement code.

How far would this get you:

awk '
        {FN = FILENAME ".TMP"
         if (FN != FNO) close (FNO)
         FNO = FN
         sub ("/proj/[^/]*/sun", "/proj/app-i1/sun")
         sub ("/data/[^/]*/conf", "/data/site-i1/conf")
         print  >  FN
' *.txt
for FN in *.TMP; do mv $FN ${FN%.TMP}; done
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Hi RudiC,

This works. Thanks a ton.