Find and replace string matching criteria

Dear Friends,
I am looking for a way to replace a string (multiple lines) starting with something and ending with something (these two values do not change) with blank. Basically I want to delete this code injection accross many sites and folders.

Search Code (across files and folders) that starts with /*km0ae9gr6m*/
(different variety of code in between)
and ends with /*qhk6sa6g1c*/
and replace it with blank


Like this?

$ cat file
not to be deleted 1
not to be deleted 2
to be deleted
to be deleted
to be deleted
to be deleted
to be deleted
to be deleted
not to be deleted 3
$ sed '/\/\*km0ae9gr6m\*\//,/\/\*qhk6sa6g1c\*\// d' file
not to be deleted 1
not to be deleted 2
not to be deleted 3

Yes but the starting and ending words needs to be deleted too along with whatever is in the middle and it needs to search for this pattern across files and folders.

Thanks alot.