Find and replace in multiple files


I have php files in main dir and sub dir's as well.

I need to find "new mysqli('localhost', 'System', 'xxxxxx', 'System', '3306');"
and replace as "new mysqli('localhost', 'unx_sys', 'yyyy', 'unx_sys', '3306');"

I tried like:

sed 's/new mysqli\([A-Z][a-z]*\)\;$/new mysqli('localhost', 'unx_sys', 'yyyy', 'unx_sys', '3306');/' sput.php 

Not able to get the match. Can someone guide me.


It looks like you want something more like:

sed "s/new mysqli[(][', [:alnum:]]*[)];$/new mysqli('localhost', 'unx_sys', 'yyyyy', 'unx_sys', '3306');/" sput.php