Find and replace in different rows

Hello everyone,

I'm a beginner in shell scripting and try to solve my issues myself, but now I am at a point where I need your help.
Below is an excerpt from an xml file.

          <PosReference number="1"/>
          <PosReference number="2"/>
          <PosReference number="3">0</PosReference>
          <PosReference number="4">0</PosReference>
          <PosReference number="5"/>
          <PosReference number="6">370269</PosReference>
          <PosReference number="7">10432</PosReference>
          <PosReference number="8">pearl grey</PosReference>
          <PosReference number="9"/>
          <PosReference number="10"/>
          <PosReference number="11">26 INCH</PosReference>
          <PosReference number="1"/>
          <PosReference number="2"/>
          <PosReference number="3">0</PosReference>
          <PosReference number="4">0</PosReference>
          <PosReference number="5"/>
          <PosReference number="6">370269</PosReference>
          <PosReference number="7">10432</PosReference>
          <PosReference number="8">pearl grey</PosReference>
          <PosReference number="9"/>
          <PosReference number="10"/>
          <PosReference number="11">26 INCH</PosReference>

At the moment I use my own written script to change the lines <PosReference number="9"/> and <PosReference number="10"/> with a positional parameter.


if [ $# -lt 2 ] ; then
        echo "Usage: `basename $0` <Filename> <Datafield8>"
        # initialize variable for filename

        # convert xml file in readable format
           xmllint --format $file > $file.tmp

        # split string from $2 in seperate variables
            set -- $Wert

        # simple sed replace but output to a new file
            sed 's@NEW@UPD@' $file.tmp > $file.tmp2
            sed 's@<PosReference number="9"/>@<PosReference number="9">'$p9'</PosReference>@' $file.tmp2 > $file.tmp3
            sed 's@<PosReference number="10"/>@<PosReference number="10">'$p10'</PosReference>@' $file.tmp3 > $file.tmp4

        # append prefix from original file name with "_script"

            new=`echo $file | sed 's@.xml@_script.xml@'`

        # check if $new is empty or not
            if [ -z "$new" ]
                cp $file.tmp4 $new

        # delete all temporary files
            rm -f $file.tmp $file.tmp2 $file.tmp3 $file.tmp4

As long as the batch is the same in the xml file everything is okay, but it often happens that there a different batches, where each batch has a different $2 value.

Now I wonder if it's possible to modify the script, that I can search for a specific batch or more and change the associated rows which are always 14 and 15 lines below.

Maybe like this:
basename $0 <Filename> <batch#1> <parameter#1> <batch#2> <parameter#2> <batch#3> <parameter#3>

Has anyone a solution or hint for me please?

Thanks in advance,

Since the data field you are adding (or replacing) sometimes contains spaces, the following script takes three separate arguments for each set of changes (instead of the pair of arguments your script used). Any of these arguments can be quoted if spaces or tabs are included and any characters except the ASCII BEL and <newline> control characters can be included in the new string values if properly quoted when given to the shell as command-line arguments. The following script uses a while printf loop to group the command-line arguments into pairs of input lines to feed into an awk script that gathers the reformatted command-line arguments and makes all of the changes requested to the input XML file in one pass.

Although your script creates four temporary files and processes the input file unconditionally, it also throws away all of the work it did if the input file's name does not end with ".xml". The following script prints a diagnostic message and doesn't attempt to process the input file if it's name does not end with ".xml". It only uses one temporary file (holding the reformatted XML input file) and sends the output from awk directly to the desired output file pathname.

Hopefully, this will come close to what you're trying to do. Obviously, production code should verify that the xmllint was successful before continuing.

IAm=${0##*/}	# Grab basename of this script.

# Verify argument count.
if [ $# -lt 4 ] || [ $(($# % 3)) -ne 1 ]
then	af='file batch1 PRN9val1 PRN10val1 [batchN PRN9valN PRN10valN]...\n'
	printf "Usage: %s $af" "$IAm" >&2
	exit 1

# Get input XML file pathname from arg1, verify name ends in ".xml", compute
# output file pathname, and reformat the input file into a temp file.
if [ "$New" = "$File" ]
then	printf '%s: file (%s) does not end in ".xml", no changes made\n' \
	    "$IAm" "$File" >&2
	exit 2
xmllint --format "$File" > "$TmpFile"

# Throw away the XML file's positional parameter.

# Reformat the remaining command line arguments in groups of three to pairs of
# ctl-G separated fields with the batch number as field 1, the PosReference
# number (PRN) to be fixed as field 2, and the new value to be assigned to that
# PRN as field 3; and feed those reformatted arguments to awk along with the
# reformatted XML file to produce the desired "_script.xml" file.
while [ $# -gt 1 ]
do	printf '%s\a9\a%s\n%s\a10\a%s\n' "$1" "$2" "$1" "$3"
	shift 3
done | awk '
FNR == NR {
	ref2val[$1, $2] = $3
/<Batch>/ {
	b = $0
	gsub("^.*<Batch>|</Batch>.*$", "", b)
	found = (b, 9) in ref2val
found && /<PosReference number=\"(9|10)\"/ {
	sub(/"9".*/, "\"9\">" ref2val[b, 9] "</PosReference>")
	sub(/"10".*/, "\"10\">" ref2val[b, 10] "</PosReference>")
1' FS=$'\a' - FS=' ' "$TmpFile" > "$New"

# Remove the reformatted (temporary) XML input file.
rm -f "$TmpFile"