Find a string occurrence if twice in a line

Hello All,

I want to check if a delimiter is existing twice in a line of a text file.

Suppose flat file is like this

234 | 123
123 | 345
456 | 563 |
234 | 548

So the the 3rd line has two delimiters,
How can we find the lines in such a file having more then one delimiters

I tried with

cat sample.txt  |  grep -c '|'

but this gives me the count of total number of delimiters.

Any help appreciated

You can use below code.

awk '/.*\|.*\|/ {print}' sample.txt
awk -F\| 'NF > 2' file
awk -F"|" '{print "Line "NR" Contains "NF-1" | Character(s)"}' file

Line 1 Contains 1 | Character(s)
Line 2 Contains 1 | Character(s)
Line 3 Contains 2 | Character(s)
Line 4 Contains 1 | Character(s)

That works good,

Thanks a lot.

How can I count number of pipes '|' on each line in my text file.

To get count of pipes:

awk '{n=gsub(/\|/,"&"); print n}' file

To print records with more than one pipe:

awk '{n=gsub(/\|/,"&"); if (n > 1) print $0}' file