Filtering out the data with dates


I have some data like seen below.

format : apple(hhmm mm/dd).fruit

apple(2345 03/25).fruit
apple(2345 05/06).fruit
orange(0443 05/02).fruit
orange(0345 05/05).fruit
orange(2134 05/04).fruit
grape(0930 04/24).fruit
grape(2330 03/30).fruit

I need to get the data which are older than past 3 days as seen below

apple(2345 03/25).fruit
orange(0443 05/02).fruit
grape(0930 04/24).fruit
grape(2330 03/30).fruit

How do i filter this data alone ? Any help is much appreciated.


If you have GNU date (supports -d option) you can do:

limit=$(date -d "-3 days" +%m%d%H%M)
awk -F"[ /()]" -vL=$limit '$3$4$2 < L' infile