filesystem in solaris 8

Hi All,

Can someone give me some info regarding where's the mount point or slice of /var. It's not in /etc/vfstab. I only find it in:

bash-2.03# cat /etc/mnttab | grep var
swap /var/run tmpfs dev=1 1215228103

How do I increase the size of it?

Thanks in advance for any idea.

/var/run is the same filesystem as swap. if you need bigger /var/run, you need to increase swap filesystem.

you can do this:
mkfile 1024m /swapfile
swap -a /swapfile

add the following line in the vfstab file.. that's it
/swapfile - - swap - no -

It looks like your system is setup "all in root" so there is no separate /var it is just a directory under /.