Filesystem from scratch


Had anyone tried with writing a new FS - file system ( whether its useful or not, that doesn't matter ) ?

I tried one couple of years ago, but that was a fatal failure :frowning: and can't continue working on it since then. :frowning:

Anybody got some experience with writing file system from the scratch.

Sorry if am deviating from the original topic of the thread.

Split and created a new thread... would be interesting to see if anyone has actually written a filesystem from scratch.

Many years ago I wrote a complete CP/M 2.2 clone for a little Z80 I attached to an IBM floppy controller. That did include a complete file system for a simple floppy format. To be honest, apart from console and printer IO that's all CPM is. :slight_smile:

At a similar time I wrote a two device drivers for the Macintosh, one for a disk accessed over the serial port, the other for a ram disk (System 6.0.5), but those were just the device drivers and still reused the MacOS filesystem.

this is great to hear ! :slight_smile:

Would you mind sharing the links that you had used to learn about FS - so that FS-newbies like me could benefit from that ?

( oh! no, the FS fatal failure is chasing me now :stuck_out_tongue: )

That would be of great help to most of us :slight_smile:

The three most important things for a file system are

(a) implementing the specificied file system data format in a robust manner so other implementations can read the same data.

(b) provide the correct interface to the operating system to access the file system

(c) everything between (a) and (b) is up to you!

The watch words should be "robustness" and then "performance", no point in having a high performance file system that trashes your disks.