File types help needed

Hi all, quick question...
Im trying to configure Redhat 9 to dial out to my ISP AOL. I have found some software to do this but at present I can't get net access under Linux for the reason stated. I can however acces the net using my laptop running windows.

The question is:
I have downloaded the file using IE in windows, the file has an extension xxx.tar.gz which is the Linux compressed file type as I understand. Is it possible to put the file on a floppy and transfer it to the Linux machine? Will the Linux machine recognise it after downloading in Windows?

It may sound like a silly question but Windows automatically gives the file the extension .tar instead of the full .tar.gz

Thanks in advance.


No, the file is not given the extension .tar. It just appears so. Windows hides extensions in a silly way. The extension .gz is hidden but leave .tar there so giving you the wrong impression that it has been renamed (probably because Windows does not expect multiple extensions like .tar.gz).

You may put the file on the floppy, which is presumably formatted with the FAT filesystem. Linux can read FAT filesystems, so can read the floppy. But make sure you can mount the floppy drive on Linux.

You may even write the file to your Windows partition and linux can read it.

Thanks for the response! WINDOWS! Huh!:mad:

Anyway, I think I will have to use a floppy as the Windows partition is NTFS and if I'm correct I think this means that Linux will not be able to access my Windows filestore...?

This shouldn't be a problem though, just as long as I now know that windows isn't 'modifying' the filetype. :slight_smile:



Linux can have read-only access to NTFS. There are existing posts on this forum concerning mounting NTFS partitions from Linux. You can find some info on google search too.