File system type

Hi all,

How to find out what type of file system is my system configured for Red hat linux 8.0 ? whether it is NTFS or FAT32 or FAT16...

Can somebody help me on this?


If you're asking what filesystem Redhat is using for its own partitions, then the answer is none of the above, since neither FAT nor NTFS support the features any UNIX-style OS needs to manage file ownership and file permissions. They're probably EXT3 or EXT2.

/etc/mtab has the filesystems mounted on your box. Read this for more information.

File System Basics

If you want to see a list of the filesystem types supported on your system

cat /proc/filesystems

and look for those without 'nodev' in column 1

Thank you all for your inputs. Information about filesystem was very useful.:slight_smile: