file system inconsistency

here in one of the server the lvol4 is having 20G and used space is 181M
but it showing 98% used kindly advice any one can i run fsck -y after unmounted that lvol4

                       20G   19G  418M  98% /var/opt/fedex

aymara.emea $ du -sh /var/opt/fedex/
180M    /var/opt/fedex/

can you provide more details

cat /etc/fstab
df -h 

I'd say there's a file with an open file descriptor in some application, which has been removed from the file table. Can you run & post the output of lsof | grep /var/opt/fedex ?


its related to application issue. Once application is stopped and started it showing the correct useage.

i do know the magic.

No its resolved.