file system creation

I won't to remove a filesystem /dev/vg01/lvo1 and copy the same to different vg ex:- /dev/vg02.
Pls give the required step to be followed to complete the said process


Things are not quite so easy as that. Every vg that is present on your system has certain disks (called physical volumes or pvs) assigned to it. Now, if the two vgs that you have (vg01 and vg02) are existing together, then they both have pvs assigned to them.

Now, if you remove the logical volume lvol1 from vg01, you do not remove the actual disks that lvol1 is residing on. And unless there are no other lvols present in vg01 (or unless you make very sure that other lvols are not occupying any portions of the disks that lvol1 was using) you cannot just remove physical volumes (pvs) from vg01 either.
So to proceed creating a lvol in vg02 from this point, you need to ensure that you have enough space present in vg02 to create a lvol that is the same size as the lvol that you removed from vg01.

I am giving the commands that can be used (assuming that enough space is present in vg02 ):

lvremove /dev/vg01/lvol1
lvcreate -L <same_size_as_lvol1_from_vg01_in_MB> vg02

And for your knowledge, just run 'man lvm' from your HP-UX prompt.

We need more info about what the OP wants here. But he may want to create a lvol and a filestsyetm in it, then copy the data from the old filesystem to the new filesystem, and finally free up the old fs.

Or maybe he wants to move a pv from one vg to another. Or maybe he wants something else :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for assistance . I've got what I needed.