File System Backups


The problem we are experiencing is that after the filesystem backups have completed. if we restore 1 of the file systems to a different logical volume.
The difference in size is drastic. The original filesystem is 10 gb big and the restored copy is 5 gb big.

What can be the cause of this problem. To be more specific it's the filesystem that holds all our DB2 Index information, tablespaces etc.

AIX version 5.1.

Zarier :confused:

I suspect there may be open files on your source file system. Compare the outputs of df and du for the file system in question.

If that doesn't shed any light then it may be to do with the policies set for the backup and open file are not backed up etc. Are you doing a cold backup?


We taking a cold backup and checked that everything was down before taking the backup. Went as far as rebooting the box and doing ps -ef
to check that there are no processes running that could be accessing anything in the filesystem. The Problem persists. I'm not the Unix admin I'm a DBA trying to get to the bottom of the problem.

Backups is my lifeline. :o