File Permissions

Hi All,

Could any one help me on
is there any file where all file permissions are being stored?
Please help me.

No, they are stored in the directory along with the file name, date, etc.

On some platforms you can actually read the directory as a file and parse out these things, but it's stored in binary form so you need something which can cope with that (C or Perl?)

There will not be any files in Unix to hold the file permissions. But the stat comand can be used which will internally do a system call to retrieve the file information. It will provide info including the inode num, pwermissions, times etc..

Permissions are stored in the inode of a file. A directory entry is a name and an inode number. Nothing else is stored in the directory.

What are you wanting to do exactly ?

I think he is trying to change all of directory and file permissions at once..

If you are trying to change the directory and file permissions at once, you can use chmod -R (recursive) switch on the concerned directory. There are many other options possible, depending on what you are intending to do. We can help you if we have a clear picture.

can he use

" chmod 777 / "

haha.. :smiley:

Flekz that was a good joke :slight_smile: , but I am trying to give him clues so that he gives us some more details and we get this problem solved.

yeah.. but seems he is gone.. where is the TS? I want to know his problems..

Go wash your mouth!
(That's the lames joke since the easter egg 'Alt-FXFIGHTER' in <program name here>)