File permissions reverting back?

After running

integrity -e
( may not have done this code thing correctly )
I got the following

.io/bootdisk/boot group root should be backup
mode 0600 should be 0440
.io/bootdisk/swap group root should be mem
mode 0600 should be 0440
.io/bootdisk/root group root should be backup
mode 0600 should be 0440
/stand/unix owner root should be bin
group root should be mem
mode 0744 should be 0440
/etc/resolv.conf owner root should be bin
group sys should be bin

I corrected all these manually and again ran integrity -e - all was good
I did a shutdown and again ran integrity -e all the same errors were back.

I then discovered fixmog and used it . Ran integrity -e again and all was corrected. Again i did a shutdown and restarted and then ran integrity -e.
All the same errors were back .

Question. Are they really errors, or good old SCO at work again ?
Enlightenment appreciated

See OSR6:integrity reports incorrect permissions

Thank you JRT
Gee - SCO wouldn't want to rush to fix something like that - TA is dated 2007 .
Maybe it doesn't matter? Does anyone know?

They have until August to fix it otherwise the statute of limitations will kick in. :smiley: