File pattern changing

Hello All,

I have a file say

cat test.txt
sathya sxk opt
Sandy   sxr omg
Ram rxm opt

Now I would like to change opt to omr only for the line in my file
sathya sxk opt

How can i do it.

I know we can do it with sed -i option, but its not present in my system, please help me some solution.

perl -i.bak -pe 's/opt/omr/ if /sathya/' test.txt
awk '/sathya.*opt/{gsub("opt","omr")}1' input.txt > output.txt

ah thanks for the Quick response.
@Elixir: can you please tel me what is -i.bak

@itkamaraj : Here I want to make the changes in the same file. input.txt, output.txt will not work out for me. so can I accomplish it.

-i.bak (inline edit) is for taking backup of your orginal file and apply the changes in your original file itself.

# cat test.txt
sathya sxk 123
Sandy   sxr omg
Ram rxm opt

#  perl -i.bak -pe 's/123/S@THYA01/ if /sathya/' test.txt
# cat test.txt
sathya sxk S
Sandy   sxr omg
Ram rxm opt

Will this not work Properly if special characters are in place ?
May be we have to give \ before that.

JFYI: I will be using variables in my Script for 123 and S@THYA01, so do I have to make any changes in this PERL command for that ?
or perl -i.bak -pe 's/$var1/$var2/ if /$name/' test.txt will work without any changes to it.

when you are using @, perl think it is an array.

why dont and let us know, as you suggested.

Even I make the values into variables, the data after @ is skipped. Please help.

Hello Friends,

The above PERL works only for Alphabets and not for Alphanumeric or with Special characters.

Since that will be a Password column, User can provide any Character sequence. Please suggest some other Solution.

Try this:

perl -e '$exists=shift @ARGV;$from=shift @ARGV;$to=shift @ARGV;
while(<>) {
 if(index($_,$exists) != -1) {
  while(($s=index($_,$from,$nxt)) != -1) {
}' 'sathya' '123' 'S@THYA01' infile

The first argument ( sathya in this case) is the "string" which should be present in the line to attempt substitution.
The second argument ( 123 here) is the "string" you want to search for.
The third argument ( S@THYA01 here) is the replacement "string".
The fourth argument ( infile here) is the file to be changed.
Backup of the original file will be taken with .bak extension.

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Many thanks Knight. How can we include this in it

if /sathya/'
find . -type f -print | xargs perl -p -i -e "s/pattern search string/replace string /g"

I've edited my earlier post. Check it now.

Thanks Knight, I will check it.

@Saud Pasha: I should have to specify my file name in the find, isn't it ?

find . -name "filename" -type f | xargs perl -p -i -e "s/pattern search string
/replace string /g"

also not only that, I have to find out a pattern "sathya" and only after that I have to replace the value of its 3rd column.

---------- Post updated 10-16-12 at 02:00 AM ---------- Previous update was 10-15-12 at 03:41 AM ----------

Thanks Knight , it works :slight_smile:

---------- Post updated at 02:42 AM ---------- Previous update was at 02:00 AM ----------

Why the below is not working ?

My file is

>> cat test.txt
sathya yuiop New
ramesh sdgh 456
santhosh sdghsdf 789

I just want to try how this works with the awk as said by itkamaraj.



echo $pwd $npwd | awk -v var=$var1 '/var.*$1/{gsub("$1","$2")}1' test.txt > temp.txt
cat temp.txt > test.txt
rm temp.txt

After executing the above, my file contents remains the same.

But if I execute the awk statement without variables, it works as expected.
Please advise me on what am i missing.