File not creating

File is not creating which i marked red colour in below code.Not sure what the issue is even i replaced echo with touch then alos no luck.please anyone help me.

while read file;
  ctl_file=`echo $file|cut -f1 -d.`.ctl
  if [ -f $ctl_file -a -s $ctl_file ]; then
   echo "Control file exists. Looking up the record count value from the Control file" >> $log_file
   echo "Control file exists. Looking up the record count value from the Control file"
   ctl_file_cnt=`sed 's/�/\|/' $ctl_file |cut -f2 -d'|'`
   data_file_cnt=`sed '1d' $data_file|wc -l`
   file_nme1=`echo $file|cut -f1 -d.|sed -e 's/'$app'//'`
   file_nme=`echo $file_nme1|sed -e 's/'$dte'//'`.dat
   if [ $ctl_file_cnt == $data_file_cnt ]; then
    echo "The counts in the data file $data_file and the control file $ctl_file match!"
    echo "Passing on the file for the data load"
    echo $INFA_SRC_DIR/$file > $INFA_SRC_DIR/$filenme-not creating 
    #mv $INFA_SRC_DIR/$file $ARCHIVE_DIR/$file
    echo "The counts in the data file $data_file and the control file $ctl_file does not match!"
    echo "The file is not passed for the data load"
    echo $file >> $tmp_dir/mismtch_files.txt
    mv $INFA_SRC_DIR/$file $ARCHIVE_DIR/$msmtch_file
   echo "Control file not found in the directory / or the file may be invalid" >> $log_file
   echo "Control file not found in the directory / or the file may be invalid" 
   echo $data_file >> $tmp_dir/no_ctl_files.txt
   mv $INFA_SRC_DIR/$file $ARCHIVE_DIR/$msmtch_file
 done < $tmp_dir/files2bprcsd.txt


It should be $INFA_SRC_DIR/$file . Please check for file name.

add set -x above the while loop and run it again. It should give some more debug information

above is typo error,i given as $INFA_SRC_DIR/$file only.
when i ran the script using -x it is showing "cannon create echo $INFA_SRC_DIR/$file"