File naming in array adds additional extension


I have a bash script that reads the directories from a jboss/server directory in
order to start specified server instances. Part of the script archives older logs and creates new ones if required. To do this, it reads the array of directories and in a loop archives, and creates new ones depending on the file size and existence.

The new files are are named as <array_entry>.log which works fine except the last array_entry is always created as <array_entry>.log.log I have experimented by removing and adding entries to the array and it always creates the last entry with a .log.log extension.

The loop is like this:

function processLogs {

	printf "\n"
	printf "Checking the log files exist and are writeable \n"
	printf " \n"
	printf "contents of $LOG_DIR are: \n"
	ls $LOG_DIR
	printf "\n"

	# check to see there are any process running
	if [ `/bin/pidof -x | wc -l` = 0 ]
   	for log in "${dir_array[@]}".log
       	 	if [ -e "$LOG_DIR/$log".log ]
			# file exists, so archive it and create a new version 
	        	mv -f $LOG_DIR/$log.log $LOG_DIR/archive/`eval date +%Y%m%d-%k:%m`-$log.log
			printf "Moved $log.log to archive/$log.log \n"
			# let's make it non-writeable too so it can't be re-used by accident
			chmod -w $LOG_DIR/archive/`eval date +%Y%m%d-%k:%m`-$log.log
			touch $LOG_DIR/$log.log # create new files
	   		chmod a+w $LOG_DIR/$log.log
		elif [ ! -e "$LOG_DIR/$log".log ] 
			# log file doesn't exist so create and make it writeable
			printf "Log file $log.log doesn't exist, creating it \n"
			touch $LOG_DIR/$log.log 
	   		chmod a+w $LOG_DIR/$log.log
		elif [ ! -w "$LOG_DIR/$log".log ]
	   		# log file exists but isn't writeable
				# printf "logfile $log isn't writeable, correcting it \n"
		   	chmod a+w $LOG_DIR/$log.log
		printf "there are running processes so left log files alone \n"
		#printf "processes are: \n"
	    	#ps -ef | grep "" | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'
	printf "contents of $LOG_DIR are: \n"
	ls $LOG_DIR
	printf "\n"

Obviously the array and other variables are set further up, the array is definitely filled. This is bash on Ubuntu 10.04.

[edit] just to be clear, the touch $LOG_DIR/$log.log command in both the archive and create elif conditions do the same
thing, ie create the last .log.log file.



I think that when you do:

for log in "${dir_array[@]}".log

the las log has the .log suffix.

Try with:

for log in "${dir_array[@]}"
   ...and the rest
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good grief, can't believe I missed that! thanks, that was it of course.