File modification history

Can anyone please suggest an alternate command for "stat" . I am trying this on Solaris 5.9 , but the command doesn't exist.

Basically i need to see one particalar file modification history. Any help is appreciated.

mtime (Modify Time) you can see by a simple "ls -l". For atime (Access Time) and ctime (Change Time) check the options/switches for "ls". man ls.

Hi Zaxxon,

I have tried the commands you have listed . The output i am looking at is something mentioned on this link .

How to track the modification history on file in unix

But stat command doesnt work on solaris.

perl -e'
  printf "access:\t%s\nmodify:\t%s\nchange:\t%s\n",
    map scalar localtime $_,(stat shift)[8..10]
    ' filename

Thanks a lot, this command worked.