File mgt: Do you know the command line command

I need a commnad to modify a file's contents from:

2009-06-18 14:14:38 CST INF Thread-114 rlo.aaf_ - MASSHANDLE: Got a valid message<Location=""><bob>2</bob><carol>61</carol><ted>54</ted><alice>1m</alice>

to this :

2009-06-18 14:14:38 CST INF Thread-114 rlo.aaf_ - MASSHANDLE: Got a valid message<Location=""><bob>2</bob>

Adding the CR (\n) after each </*> and preserving the contents of each field.

Thanks for any help!

sed 's|</[^>]*>|&\
|g' "$file"
awk '{gsub(/<\/[^>]*>/,"\\\\&\n")}1' file

Thanks ghostdog74 & cfajohnson! Problem solved!!

my $str='2009-06-18 14:14:38 CST INF Thread-114 rlo.aaf_ - MASSHANDLE: Got a valid message<Location=""><bob>2</bob><carol>61</carol><ted>54</ted><alice>1m</alice>';
$str=~	s/(<\/[^>]*>)/$1\n/;
print $str;