file management in C shell


I appreciate if someone can help me. I am new to C shell programming, and I would like to know how to write a code in C shell to find, copy, delete, rename file, also how to change file attibutes, compress a file.

Many thanks in advance.

Do the command man cp. This will give you information on coping files. Then read the SEE ALSO portion - these are commands that also deal with the type of information you are looking for. If you don't know a command, this is one way to find others to learn about. A script is just like using a command manually. Just that you type it in once and can use it over and over.

Instead of
% ls -1

#!/bin/csh -f
set myfile=/tmp/lsfile.txt
ls -1 > $myfile
more $myfile

Or however you want to do things. You will be better off learning/ running either sh or ksh if you are a SysAdmin as the startup scripts on UNIX has to be done in sh (to a certain point). Since it is something to know, learn them first then take on csh (IMHO).