File Integrity Check


I have two NFS shares mounted on a solaris system.

share1 and share2 , both are from different NFS servers

share1 has 500GB of data

share 2 is empty. I am copying all the data from share1 to share2.

It is like migrating the data from one NFS share to another.

Is there anyway with which I can determine the integrity of the copied Data?

I want to prevent any corruption of data while doing the same.

Can it be done?


Athreya VC

Verify the exact size of the data after transfer. It should be sufficient.

Hi incredible,

Thanks for the reply.

I was thinking of some kind of mechanism like md5sum with which I can check the integrity. B'se the data size that is getting copied is large here.


Athreya VC

Hi, Are you referring to this? Solaris Fingerprint Database: An Identification Tool for Solaris Software and Files

this would take awhile but tar the content of the mounted directory and then compress them (with your favorite compression). run digest against this to get your hash. copy to the other drive. run digest again to verify your copy.

more importantly, where are these nfs mounts? are they servers or filers? no need to use the overhead of nfs and another network stack to copy files between two servers/filers.

Hi All,

Thanks for the reply.

The mounts are from the NetApp filers. It is happening such that, I want to migrate data from one filer to the other filer.

I am using NFS as a way to do it. Both the filers are in different Network Segment and i could not afford much downtime too

I want be sure when we copy the data between the mounts on the NFS client

there should not be any corruption.


Athreya VC

i think your best bet might be to do what i said above. i looked around and found someone used rsync with linux and copied to a new mount.

Hi All,

Thanks for the all the Replies. I will try with rsync option and Update.



you can use netapp snapmirror to migrate data from filer1 to filer2.