File disk utilization for 10 days prior


I have a requirement to list the files & the total disk utilization they have which are 10 prior to current date.

I tried couple of options in combinations of find mtime, ctime with du -m, but no luck.

Could you please help me in this ?

not sure if there are many options other then creating a script yourself. you may want to create a script that retrieves this information and creates a viewable webpage. this is something my company does... not just for file and disk usage.

Question is ambiguous. Here is an outline to find files more than 10 days old and list the size etc. of each file. It only makes sense to do this in data directories or you will end up listing the entire Operating System.

find /my_dir/ -type f -mtime +10 -print|while read FILENAME
        ls -lad "${FILENAME}"