File Content Loading to Oracle Error

I habe a UNIX Variablw with content as below:


where $record contains contents of file

Sample contents of file:

topic_id|1626|Alzheimer s||
topic_id|1627|Knee Pain||
topic_id|1629|Atrial Fibrillation||
topic_id|1630|Acne Care||
topic_id|1632|Urinary Tract Infection||
topic_id|1633|Children's Vaccines||
topic_id|1634|HPV / Genital Warts||

i want to load the WHOLE_REC_TXT to a column in oracle table.
But it throws me error:

ORA-01756: quoted string not properly terminated

Let me know if i am doing something worng.

Please show your code.

The problem is most likely the single quote in this line (hard to say without seeing your code):

topic_id|1633|Children's Vaccines||

Use two single quotes to insert a single quote when working with string literals:

topic_id|1633|Children''s Vaccines||