File comparsion tool

Hi All, Please suggest some file comparison tool in Linux.
The tool have the provision for command line option for file comparison and the output will be stored in to html file. Thanks in advance


Some possibilities:

Difference, similarity, compare

        1) diff, standard

        2) cmp, standard

        3) dwdiff, cdif (local), word differences

        4) cmptree (local), dirdiff (GUI), compare directory trees

        5) docdiff, compare by character, word, line, numerous output formats

        6) meld (GUI), diff and merge files

        7) numdiff, my-ndiff (local), snd (local), compare numerically

        8) comm, standard, compare 2 sorted files, 3 column output

        9) multi-comm (local), compare n files, need not be sorted

        10) contrast (local), like comm, needs no sort, symmetric and
        simple differences, intersection, union

        11), perl work-alike for diff,

        12) multi-diff (local), common lines, multiple files, re-write omitting common lines

        13) psame (local), find similarity between 2 text files

        14) fdupes, rdfind, duff, find duplicate files

I would consider the comparison and report generation in HTML to be separate steps.

Check your repository first, Google second if something looks interesting.

Best wishes ... cheers, drl

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Also there is "diff -b" if you don't care about tabs, spaces, or trailing spaces not being the same in both files.
For the 2nd part you can create a file with the HEAD thru BODY start and another file to stop body and stop html. With a cat command you can put your generated file between those two and create an instant webpage. You will still need to ftp it to your website.

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