Fibonacci (assembly)

When i run this with gcc filename.s -o filename. It is giving fatal error: Unknown opcode at define registers.
Anyhelp will be appreciated

.section ".data"
prompt: .asciz "\nThis program prints the Fibonacci sequence"
prompt2: .asciz "\nEnter a limit on the largest number to be displayed:"
prompt5: .asciz "\nDo you want to print a different sequence (Y/N):"

input: .word 0
yesNo: .byte 0
nl: .asciz "\n"
format1: .asciz "%d%c"
format2: .asciz "%c%c"

.align 8
.global main
.section ".text"

define(f_1, l0)
define(f_2, l1)
define(count, l2)

save %sp, -96, %sp
!!!!Welcome and initial prompt!!!
set prompt, %o0 !set welcome message
call printf !print it

set prompt2, %o0 !ask fo a number
call printf

set format1, %o0 !input needs to be an interger
set input, %o1 !address where input is stored
set nl, %o2 !dump
call scanf

ld [%o1], %o0
mov %o0, %count
mov 1, %f_1
mov 1, %f_2
mov 1, %o0
call printf
mov 1, %o0
call printf
add %f_1, %f_2, %o0
call printf
mov %f_1, %f_2
mov %o0, %f_1
cmp %f_1, %count
ble loop

set prompt5, %o0
call printf

set format2, %o0 !getting a character and a newline
set yesNo, %o1
set nl, %o2
call scanf

set yesNo, %l0
ldub [%l0], %o0 !get the ys/no from memory
cmp %o0, 'y'
be repeat
nop !yes then try again

ret !get out

I have tried the exact same program using gcc (Target: x86_64-linux-gnu), but getting error messages starting from the first function call:

define(f_1, l0): Error: invalid character '(' in mnemonic. 

The compiler returned messages that showed the line numbers in which the error occurred.

Can you tell us what OS this is, or at least what architecture this is? Especially relevant when programming at a low level...