Fedora startup script help

Can someone please tell me how to run a fedora startup script? I read these guides and tried to do what they said with no luck.

Create a Startup Script
[Fedora] Custom Startup Script | Open Source Club at Ohio State University

This is what I put in my startup script.

# chkconfig: 345 85 15 (however on this one I've seen different combos)

xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1024x768 --rate 60

What version of Fedora are you using?


Latest versions of Fedora use Upstart instead if init scripts (although it claims to be 100% backwards compatible).

You just have to save your scripts under /etc/init. Here's a simple script:

description "some nice description here"
start on startup
exec /usr/bin/xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1024x768 --rate 60 # It's recommended to use absolute paths

Or you could still use "old" /etc/init.d scripts.

I should also note that just being on the same machine as an X server doesn't authorize you to run xrandr on it, you generally have to be logged in or otherwise authorized against the X11 server to use it or alter its settings etc.

Try switching to a raw text console with ctrl-alt-f1 and logging in as root. (ctrl-alt-f7 or f8 should bring you back to the GUI. f2-f6 are different, separate text consoles.) If your xrandr command doesn't work from there, it probably won't work in a boot script.

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Please, help me regarding mail receive issue. My mail server is working fine but one mail id not receiving mail from last 10 days. but sending is okay. What is the problem ?

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