Fedora on VMware

I am trying to install Fedora 18 on a Windows system through VMware. When I power on the virtual machine I get messages that Fedora is starting, but the end result is just a screen with a graphic of a large blue box. No buttons to be found and input does nothing. I do have Knoppix running using the same software. Any suggestions?

The installation GUI might not be properly loading.

Try using the text-based interface. In the boot menu type: linux text

It may also help to enhance the video settings in your virtual machine, they're pretty bare-bones by default.

I have tried that as well as just typing "text", it doesn't work. The ironic thing is I actually want the text installation :rolleyes: Thanks anyway.

Have you tried with another distribution? If you get the same result, there might as well be a problem with VMWare.

Fedora is known for its cutting-edge (and oftentimes unstable) technology.

So LiveCD-only distributions like Knoppix don't even count then? I didn't think so. :smiley: