FCS1 Error in AIX

We are getting error in FCS1.


fcs0 Available 06-08 FC Adapter
fcs1 Available 08-08 FC Adapter


3074FEB7 1212104108 T H fscsi1 ADAPTER ERROR
3074FEB7 1212014508 T H fscsi1 ADAPTER ERROR
DCB47997 1211220108 T H hdisk63 DISK OPERATION ERROR
DCB47997 1211220008 T H hdisk63 DISK OPERATION ERROR

Firmware also upgraded on both fcs0/1

fcs1 U5791.001.99B0MTB-P1-C03-T1 FC Adapter
Part Number.................03N5014
Serial Number...............1A84300388
EC Level....................A
Device Specific.(CC)........280D
FRU Number.................. 03N5014
Device Specific.(ZM)........3
Network Address.............10000000C97E5CBD
ROS Level and ID............02C82774
Device Specific.(Z0)........1036406D
Device Specific.(Z1)........00000000
Device Specific.(Z2)........00000000
Device Specific.(Z3)........03000909
Device Specific.(Z4)........FFC01231
Device Specific.(Z5)........02C82774
Device Specific.(Z6)........06C32715
Device Specific.(Z7)........07C32774
Device Specific.(Z8)........20000000C97E5CBD
Device Specific.(Z9)........BS2.71X4
Device Specific.(ZA)........B1D2.70A5
Device Specific.(ZB)........B2D2.71X4
Device Specific.(YL)........U5791.001.99B0MTB-P1-C03-T1

OS Level :Aix 5.3 TL6

Still we facing problem.

Is any one faced this issue before??

We have those temporary errors sometimes too. If we check with the coworkers that are managing SAN-switches, they can't see any error on the ports, nor do the guys that manage our virtualization software and storage systems can't see errors usually.
It might be no big help for you, but since no problem on LVM/FS occure and since they are only marked as temporary, we started to look at these errors somewhat relaxed and usually don't worry anymore about them.

what storage are you using? is it EMC.
if it is run.
#/etc/powermt display.
and then see the outputs an dpost the same here as well.

We are using Hitachi - Non MPIO as it in vertias control

ok run
#/etc/powermt display
and see the device counts and ost the output here as well.