FC4 (KDE) Wireless Internet Help Plz~

I was wondering if someone here would happen to know how to setup a wireless connection with Fedora Core 4. I try to setup the internet options but my wireless adapter doesnt appear on the list... I'm new to fedora, and i never have setup a wireless connection with *nux systems. Any help, or recommdations are greatly appreciated. Thanks!

*maybe installing the drivers for my adapter could be useful... but how? (i have disc)

The ease of doing this will depend on the wireless adapter you've got there. Do you know the name of it?

its a linksys wireless adapter... for a desktop.

based on my experiences, the madwifi drivers work really well, although only for wireless adapters that use an atheros based chipset. It's sometimes hard to determine what chipset your device uses though. A list available at http://www.madwifi.org/wiki/Compatibility suggests that the only Linksys adapter that is supported by Madwifi is the WPC55AG. Do you have this? If not then you can perhaps use the Windows driver that was supplied with the adapter itself, using one of several available wrappers. If you can tell me the name of your adapter (should be printed somewhere on it or on the packaging it arrived in) then I'll be able to give you further instructions.

ooo ok, sorry so late, this account got locked out. Ive heard of linux wrappers. Ill try it, no im not sure i have that WPC55AG i think i have WUSB54G or something.... but thanks hopefully you'll read this and we'll see to it... but it looks like you haven't logged on for a while haha... talk to ya later! :slight_smile:

What is the output of iwconfig?