fc cables

hi friends,
we are using fc cables and fc switches,u might be aware of the cost factor of it so just wanted to know that
Why do we need FC switches and fiber-optic cables? Is it not possible
to use, say, twisted-pair copper cables instead of fiber-optic cables,
and achieve almost comparable data transfer rates at a lower cost?

Apart from speed, fiber covers more distance making DR(disaster recovery) setup easy.

Are the fibre cables your network connections or SAN?

Despite the name, fibre channel works on copper. From: http://www.attotech.com/fcq.html...

A better name than "fibre channel" would have been nice. It isn't really a channel either. We really got bit by this one. We sent some systems that use FC over fibre to a computer room expecting FC over copper. (Interesting that the OP choose the IP forum for this question!)