Fast Data Access MMU Miss

Hi All ,

I am unable to reinstall the OS on my Ultra Sparc 10. After the 1st CD is loaded when it goes for reboot its goes to ok prompt an its unable to boot.

What could be reason for this behavior? while loading the OS its seems fine but unable to boot!!

Then i tried changing the diag-level and diag-switch and i am getting " Fast Data Access MMU Miss " .

Please help

The following:
Installation - Fast Data Access MMU Miss error at the {ok} prompt
seems to imply a memory or other hardware fault although I have seen this and concluded it was caused by corrupted data either over the network (tftp boot stage).

Is your boot-device set to the correct hard disk device in the OBP?
What result do you get when you run probe-scsi-all from the OBP and is the disk you get listed the same device that the devalias for disk is set to?

set-defaults at the OBP. reset-all. try boot again