facing problem in getting output on single line

i am using these two grep commands

grep "^tipo" dump3_out.dat|awk -F"," '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){A=$i;B=substr($i, index($i, "=")+1);{print B }}}'|paste -s -d"||\n"|sed -e 's/^ //g' -e 's/| /|/g' >> result.dat
grep -n "^ind" dump3_out.dat|cut -d "=" -f2|cut -d "," -f2|cut -d "n" -f1|tr -d '^ ' >> result.dat

my out put appears as:

abonado simplex|dic1 - none|estandar
abonado simplex|dic1 - none|estandar
abonado simplex|dic1 - none|estandar
abonado simplex|dic1 - none|estandar

i want my out as :

abonado simplex|dic1 - none|estandar|0
abonado simplex|dic1 - none|estandar|0
abonado simplex|dic1 - none|estandar|0
abonado simplex|dic1 - none|estandar|0

please help

Post a portion of the file dump3_out.dat. Maybe there's easier way to get the desired output.


this is my dump3_out

tipo = abonado simplex, Idiomas = dic1 - none, Operador = estandar
Serv. portadora admitido: modem
ind = 0 numero telefonico = 79260960, att = 0
Carrier Contratado: naz = INDEFINIDO - int = INDEFINIDO
Origen = SELENA
tin = 0, inv = 0, tas = 0, cid = 0, pol = dir, ans = no, np = nup164,
Clase de servicio = COSDTM
Nombre mascara prohibic. = BAJAESPE
mor = no, fut = SELENA, cwr = 0, pbd = 1, ttx = 0, pmg = 0, ssa = 1, ssr = 0
duf = 0, anc = 0, lin = 1, ufn = 0, ort = 1, atc = p0, inm = 0 sve = 0
usc = 0, nin = 0, ocp = 0, dbl = 4, cos = 0, imc = 0, tcl = 0 scp = none
icr = no , start = no , tst = no , osr = no,
mct = 0, urg = 0, msm = 0,
lbi = 0, csr = 0,ltp = 0, lpf = 0, cnu = no
oristr = 1, telistr = no
vad = no, nor = subs, oct = 1, cntx = no
Carrier PVN = habilitad
tipo = abonado simplex, Idiomas = dic1 - none, Operador = estandar
Serv. portadora admitido: modem
ind = 0 numero telefonico = 79260961, att = 1
Carrier Contratado: naz = INDEFINIDO - int = INDEFINIDO
Origen = SELENA
tin = 0, inv = 0, tas = 0, cid = 0, pol = dir, ans = no, np = nup164,
Clase de servicio = COSDTM
Nombre mascara prohibic. = dbc5
mor = no, fut = SELENA, cwr = 0, pbd = 1, ttx = 0, pmg = 0, ssa = 1, ssr = 0
duf = 0, anc = 0, lin = 1, ufn = 0, ort = 1, atc = p0, inm = 0 sve = 0
usc = 0, nin = 0, ocp = 0, dbl = 4, cos = 0, imc = 0, tcl = 0 scp = none
icr = no , start = no , tst = no , osr = no,
mct = 0, urg = 0, msm = 0,
lbi = 0, csr = 0,ltp = 0, lpf = 0, cnu = no
oristr = 1, telistr = no
vad = no, nor = subs, oct = 1, cntx = no
Carrier PVN = habilitad
tipo = abonado simplex, Idiomas = dic1 - none, Operador = estandar
Serv. portadora admitido: modem
ind = 0 numero telefonico = 79260962, att = 1
Carrier Contratado: naz = INDEFINIDO - int = INDEFINIDO

Base on your data sample this oneliner should do the job.

awk 'BEGIN{FS=",|= ";OFS="|"}/tipo/{a=$2OFS$4OFS$6}/ind/{print a,int($2)}'  file