Facing problem in configuring syslog server in Solaris

I am trying to configure central syslog server

On hostA, in /etc/syslog.conf file,I am adding below line

*.err;kern.debug;daemon.notice;mail.crit        @hostB

then I am restarting syslog service

svcadm restart /system/system-log

In hostA, I have already added hostB entry in /etc/hosts file & in hostB , I have also added hostA entry in /etc/hosts file. Both server are pinging as well.

Now when I am running below command on hostA, it is logging to local /var/adm/messages file but not in hostB /var/adm/messages file

logger -p user.err  system will reboot

Please let me know where I am missing

Did you notify the syslog service (syslogd) by

pkill -HUP -x syslogd


svcadm refresh svc:/system/system-log:default


Did you use spaces or tabs in syslog.conf? You need to use only tabs.

Thanks for the input.

I have refresh the syslog services even restarted also as well as using only tab but still facing the same issue.

hostA is a client & hostB is syslog server.

Is there anything I need to do at syslog server side(hostB) or anything at network side or enabling any services?

It would help if you could post here the entire syslog.conf of both servers.

Is there a firewall between them?

Is there anything listening on port 514 on the target system?

netstat -an | grep 514

If not, that's your problem. See "man syslogd".

Read here, too:

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