extremly huge shmmax value

Hello all!

On this SLES 10 box I found (what I think) an abnormal huge shmmax value.

hostname:~ # cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax
hostname:~ #

Perhaps there is a malconfigured startup script on the machine somwhere? But where/how do I find/set the default value of shmmax in SLES 10?


The max possible shmmax value is 18446744073709551615 for 64 bit. Which is what you have.

Here is an article on setting the shmmax value:
comp.os.linux.setup: PERMANENTLY setting shmmax in Linux - Suse Personal Edition 8.2

Ok, thanks,

I found we have that value on more of our SLES10 SP2 systems.
And in the boot log, it looks like it's set "unlimited" with a "-1"

hostname:/var/log # grep shmmax boot.msg
kernel.shmmax = -1

Can you think of any problem keeping this that way?
