extraction from a tape

I have a backup on tape which was done by tar by someone else. How can I extract it now ? I know tar -xf for the tar file on disk but for the tar file on a tape, how should I do ?
Many thanks before.
PS : uname -a
AIX server12 5 00545FFA4C00

The tar command will by default work with the first tape device that is available on the system (/dev/rmt/0m for instance). So to extract files from a tape, you just have to

cd dir_where_you_want_to_extract; tar -xf /dev/tape_on_your_system

If the tar was taken with a relative path, the files should be extracted in to the directory to which you have done the cd.

thank you.
When I tape df -k, I can see many /dev.
Syst�me Libre
/dev/hd4 /
/dev/hd2 /usr
/dev/hd9var /var
/dev/hd3 /tmp
/dev/hd1 /home
/proc /proc
/dev/hd10opt /opt
/dev/fslv01 /data2
/dev/lv08 /appl2
which one should be tape ?
Thank you again.

The device you are looking for is /dev/rmt0, hence your tar command should look like:

tar -xf /dev/rmt0

you can test the tar archive with:

tar -tvf /dev/rmt0


Thank you.