extracting data froma logfile

You are given a 1 year logfile with each line starting with a date in the form �YYYY-MM-DD�. How would you extract logs from the 4th day of each month and put them into a new file

Please post a full line from your file.

Mon Jul 02 05:07:34 2010; TCP; eth3; 52 bytes; from abc to def
Tue  Jul 03 05:07:35 2010; UDP; eth3; 46 bytes; from aaa to bbb
Wed Jul 04 05:07:35 2010; TCP; eth3; 52 bytes; from def to ghi

I just want to extract to fila for only the 4th of each month

e.g Wed Jul 04 05:07:35 2010; TCP; eth3; 52 bytes; from def to ghi
awk '$3>=4 {sub(/;/,"",$5); print > $2 "_" $5 ".log" }'  logfile

if will generate log files with month_year, like: Jul_2010.log