Extracting data from multiple lines

Hi All,

I am stuck in one step..

I have one file named file.txt having content:

  And SGMT.perd_id = (SELECT cal.fiscal_perd_id  FROM $ODS_TARGT.TIM_DT_CAL_D CAL
 And SGMT.perd_id = (SELECT cal.fiscal_perd_id  FROM $ODS_TARGT.TIM_DT_CAL_D CAL

My requirement is to find the word just next to $ODS_TARGT.

In This case output should be like:


Please provide me the right solution for the same.

Thanking in Advance...


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Thank you.

The UNIX and Linux Forums

Please use code tags as required by forum rules! And, aside, the word "urgent" (even though you misspelled it) is not too well received in these forums.

Any idea/attempt from your side? Did you consider using awk (which should be easy)?


perl -nle '@m = $_ =~ /\$ODS_TARGT\.(\w+)/ and print @m' file.txt
perl -nle '/\$ODS_TARGT\.(\w+)/ and print $1' file.txt

Some more:

sed -n 's/.*$ODS_TARGT\.\([^[:blank:]]*\).*/\1/p' file
perl -nle 'print $1 if /\$ODS_TARGT.(\S*)/' file