Extract the word from the file and print it

I have a file which I am reading and then I need to extract a particualr word and if it matches the line.

2015-01-22 07:30:17,814000 +0900 [29133:main]/INFO:[configuration.manager/Cont'd_0031] -            <ns2:virtualServerid="PH11PK" />

Means if the line contain Virtual server I need to extract the id .

Code I wrote


#@filename = 'file.txt';

open (FILE, "file.txt") or die;

while (my $line= <FILE>) {
#foreach  $line (@filename)
      if ($line =~ /Info : \[([a-zA-Z]+)\] - [([a-zA-Z]+)\]\/) {
         print ("Login successful for ID $2\n");
       print ("ID $2 not connected,please check!!");

But it is not working

if ($line =~ /virtualServerid=\"(.*?)\"/) {
  $id = $1;

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Thank you

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Thanks balaje,

But still the code is going into else loop instead of if... Can u help!!

Works for me

[user@host]$ cat file
2015-01-22 07:30:17,814000 +0900 [29133:main]/INFO:[configuration.manager/Cont'd_0031] - <ns2:virtualServerid="PH11PK" />
2015-01-22 07:30:17,814000 +0900 [29133:main]/INFO:[configuration.manager/Cont'd_0031] - <ns2:virtualServerid="ABC123" />
[user@host]$ cat test.pl
#! /usr/bin/env perl

open FH, "< file";
while ($line = <FH>) {
#    chomp ($line);
    if ($line =~ /virtualServerid=\"(.*?)\"/) {
      print "$1\n";
close FH;

[user@host]$ ./test.pl

Can you post your code?

HI Balaje,

I again ran but of no output was generated. I shortened the code.


#@filename = 'abc.log';

open FILE, "< abc.log";

while ( $line= <FILE>) {
   #chomp ($line);
#foreach  $line (@filename)

      if ($line =~ /virtualServerid=\"(.*?)\"/) {
         print "$1\n";
      # print ("ID $1 not connected,please check!!");
close FILE;

Extract of the File:

2015-01-22 07:30:17,814000 +0900 [29133:main]/INFO:[configuration.manager/Cont'd_0030] -             <ns2:logonTime hour="7" minute="45"/>
2015-01-22 07:30:17,814000 +0900 [29133:main]/INFO:[configuration.manager/Cont'd_0031] -             <ns2:virtualServer id="PH12MC" host="xxx" port="xxxx" localHost="xx" localPort="xx"/>
2015-01-22 07:30:17,814000 +0900 [29133:main]/INFO:[configuration.manager/Cont'd_0032] -             <ns2:virtualServer id="PH11MC" host="xxxx" port="xxxx" localHost="xxxx" localPort="xx"/>
2015-01-22 07:30:17,814000 +0900  [29133:main]/INFO:[configuration.manager/Cont'd_0048] -         </ns2:session>
2015-01-22 07:30:17,814000 +0900  [29133:main]/INFO:[configuration.manager/Cont'd_0049] -     </ns2:transactions>

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Thank You.

The UNIX and Linux Forums

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The regular expression has virtualServerid without spaces. Your input has virtualServer id with a space in between.

Thanks Balaje,

It worked now.:slight_smile: If i want to enhance this script and add all the extracted id's into an array. I did like this. Is it fine?


#@filename = 'abc.log';

open FILE, "< abc.log";

while ( $line= <FILE>) {
   #chomp ($line);
#foreach  $line (@filename)

      if ($line =~ /virtualServer id=\"(.*?)\"/) {
         print "$1\n";
close FILE
if ($line =~ /virtualServer id=\"(.*?)\"/) {
     push(@VS, $1);

Thanks Balaje for your kind help.

Can you help me with the regex for following to extract PH11MD and PH11PP:

2015-01-23 07:45:00,009000 +0900 [4043:pool-9-thread-1]/INFO:[tokyose.vssocket-PH11MD] - PH11MD connected to /XXXX:XX
2015-01-23 07:45:00,011000 +0900  [4043:pool-9-thread-1]/INFO:[tokyose.vssocket-PH11PP] - PH11PP connected to /XXXX:XX

But I also have the following format which I want to discard:

2015-01-23 07:30:28,791000 +0900 [4043:pool-5-thread-1]/INFO:[tokyose.vssocket-wup102] - wup102 connected to localhost/

i know the id's I want to discard.

i used the following regex but did not work

if ($line =~ / \[([a-zA-Z]+)\](.*) connected to \  /\/ ([\d\.\:]+)\] : (.*)/) {
  if ($1!==wp102|wp101){
     print $1;
if ( $line =~ / - (.*?) connected to/ && $1 !~ /wup10[12]/ ) {
    print $1;

Thanks balaje for the reply.

the regex you provided is working for "connected to" and not for "connected to/" Can you please help have a look

Has anything like this been tried yet?

2015-01-22 07:30:17,814000 +0900 [29133:main]/INFO:[configuration.manager/Cont'd_0030] - <ns2:logonTime hour="7" minute="45"/>
2015-01-22 07:30:17,814000 +0900 [29133:main]/INFO:[configuration.manager/Cont'd_0031] - <ns2:virtualServer id="PH12MC" host="xxx" port="xxxx" localHost="xx" localPort="xx"/>
2015-01-22 07:30:17,814000 +0900 [29133:main]/INFO:[configuration.manager/Cont'd_0032] - <ns2:virtualServer id="PH11MC" host="xxxx" port="xxxx" localHost="xxxx" localPort="xx"/>
2015-01-22 07:30:17,814000 +0900 [29133:main]/INFO:[configuration.manager/Cont'd_0048] -         </ns2:session>
2015-01-22 07:30:17,814000 +0900 [29133:main]/INFO:[configuration.manager/Cont'd_0049] -     </ns2:transactions>
2015-01-23 07:45:00,009000 +0900 [4043:pool-9-thread-1]/INFO:[tokyose.vssocket-PH11MD] - PH11MD connected to /XXXX:XX
2015-01-23 07:45:00,011000 +0900 [4043:pool-9-thread-1]/INFO:[tokyose.vssocket-PH11PP] - PH11PP connected to /XXXX:XX
2015-01-23 07:30:28,791000 +0900 [4043:pool-5-thread-1]/INFO:[tokyose.vssocket-wup102] - wup102 connected to localhost/
2015-01-22 07:30:17,814000 +0900 [29133:main]/INFO:[configuration.manager/Cont'd_0031] - <ns2:virtualServerid="PH11PK" />
2015-01-22 07:30:17,814000 +0900 [29133:main]/INFO:[configuration.manager/Cont'd_0031] - <ns2:virtualServerid="ABC123" />
#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

my $fil = './abc.log';
my $line;
my @VS;

open FPDATA, $fil or die "Can't open $fil";
while ($line = <FPDATA>) {
    chomp ( $line );
    if ( $line =~ "id=\"([[:alnum:]]*).*/" )
        push(@VS, $1);
    elsif ( $line =~ "socket-([[:alnum:]]*).*\]" && $line !~ "wup")
        push(@VS, $1);
close (FPDATA);

foreach my $id (@VS)
    print ("Login successful for ID $id\n");

# eof #

# output
# ------
# Login successful for ID PH12MC
# Login successful for ID PH11MC
# Login successful for ID PH11MD
# Login successful for ID PH11PP
# Login successful for ID PH11PK
# Login successful for ID ABC123


I did try:


#@filename = 'abc.log';

open FILE, "< abc.log";

while ( $line= <FILE>) {
   #chomp ($line);
#foreach  $line (@filename)

#      if ($line =~ /virtualServer id=\"(.*?)\"/) {
       if ($line =~ /virtualServer id=\"(.*?)\"/){
        # print "$1 id is registered \n";
         push (@VS ,$1);
      if ( $line =~ "socket-([[:alnum:]]*).*\]" && $line !~ "wup"){
       print $1;

close FILE;

no output is printed for 2nd part.

Hmmm.. Does it make any difference if you change the quotes to slashes?
Maybe I should have kept quiet, because I don't know the differences between MS perl and linux perl?( if there are any ). One would think the code would be portable ( except for line endings ).

if ( $line =~ /socket-([[:alnum:]]*).*\]/ && $line !~ /wup/)
        print ("$1\n");

OK no problem.. thanks for trying.!!


If you can please throw some light.

Thanks in advance

Hi Balaje,

Can you please help here

Why you don't use awk ?

awk -F"[=\"]" '/virtualServer/ {print "id="$2,$3}OFS=""' <file

@karan8810: Not sure if you understood what push(@VS, $1) does.

In the first if-block, you're using push, where as in the second if-block you're printing $1 directly. And you're not printing the values populated in @VS in the first if-block. So that's why you're not getting the output as expected.

You could do something like this:

while ( $line= <FILE>) {
    chomp ($line);

    if ($line =~ /virtualServer id=\"(.*?)\"/) {
       push (@VS ,$1);
    if ( $line =~ "socket-([[:alnum:]]*).*\]" && $line !~ "wup"){
       push (@VS, $1);

close FILE;
print "@VS";

Also, did you try adapting ongoto's solution in post #14 ?