Extract numbers from text file work out average

Just wondering if someone could assist me with shell script I'm trying to write. I need to read the final column of a text file (shown below) and workout what the average number is. The text file will have a variable number of lines, I just want the script to pull out the values in the final field (which I've done using cut), add them all together then divide by the total number of rows. Really struggling with this! Help much appreciated :slight_smile:

abcd e544f222e0jk55 1503
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One with awk...

$ cat file1
abcd e544f222e0jk55 1503
abcd e544f222e0jk56 1504
abcd e544f222e0jk57 1505
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$ awk '{T+= $NF} END { print T/NR }' file1

many thanks for the reply scottn, I get the following:

awk: line 1: syntax error at or near END

script is:

ls -l logs/db
#echo "please enter the name of the file you wish to analyse:"
#read filetoint
cat stats.txt
awk '!(T+= $NF) END { print T/NR }' stats.txt


I changed my awk slightly. Try that one.

It doesn't look like the error from Solaris, but if it is, use /usr/xpg4/bin/awk or nawk.


awk '!(T+= $NF) END { print T/NR }' stats.txt


awk '!{T+= $NF} END { print T/NR }' stats.txt

---------- Post updated at 22:06 ---------- Previous update was at 22:02 ----------


I've found a 6 yr. old posting of Ygor here.
Now I'm almost able to "read" your code.
So "T" means Total and "$NF" means 3rd column, right?
I really can't understand how "$NF" stands for 3rd column....

many thanks for this, I'm actually scripting it on ubuntu 9.10? now returns the following error:

awk: line 1: syntax error at or near {

Hi pseudocoder.

Yes, I'm sure this question has been asked and answered many many times.

The first awk you quote is my original one, which I changed, but which rich@ardz quoted.

It works fine (at least for me :))

$ awk '!(T+= $NF) END { print T/NR }' file1

T is a running total, $NF is the value of the last field and NR is the number of rows.

---------- Post updated at 10:13 PM ---------- Previous update was at 10:10 PM ----------

Can you paste (i.e. not type) exactly the command you are running? This awk is not by any means complicated.



Got it, the following did it:

#echo "please enter the name of the file you wish to analyse:"
#read filetoint
cd logs/db
ls -l logs/db
cat stats.txt
awk '{sum+=$3}END{print sum/NR}' stats.txt

amazing! cheers :cool:

FWIW using Scottn's solutions on Ubuntu (using mawk) I get:

$ awk '!(T+= $NF) END { print T/NR }' infile
awk: line 1: syntax error at or near END

$ awk '{T+= $NF} END { print T/NR }' infile

Glad I changed it then :slight_smile:

#echo "please enter the name of the file you wish to analyse:"
#read filetoint
cd logs/db
ls -l logs/db
cat stats.txt
awk '{sum+=$3}END{print sum/NR}' stats.txt

I'd like to expand this to look at all text files (which have the same format) in the directory and run the awk alg. against them - I've tried a for loop but what do I replace the stats.txt part of the awk with?

---------- Post updated at 10:13 PM ---------- Previous update was at 09:56 AM ----------

need some advice on this script, hope someone can help:



cd $directory


for f in "$FILES"


    echo "stats at `date`:"
    echo "slowest response time from db was `cut -f9 -d" " $f | sort -n | tail -1` ms"
    echo "fastest response time from db was `cut -f9 -d" " $f | sort -n | head -1` ms"
    echo "average response time from db was `awk '{sum+=$9}END{print sum/NR}' $f` ms"

#every hour, output to file in format:


what I now need it to do is write to a file every hour in the following format:


I also want it to write to a new file each day is that possible?

With the value of the iterator variable of your for loop.

$ # list all text file in current directory
$ ls -1 *.txt
$ # show their contents
$ perl -lne 'print $.==1 ? "\n== $ARGV ==\n$_" : $_; close ARGV if eof' *.txt

== file1.txt ==
abcd e544f222e0jk55 1503
abcd e544f222e0jk56 1504
abcd e544f222e0jk57 1505

== file2.txt ==
abcd e544f222e0jk58 1506
abcd e544f222e0jk59 1507
abcd e544f222e0jk60 1508

== file3.txt ==
abcd e544f222e0jk61 1509
abcd e544f222e0jk62 1510
abcd e544f222e0jk63 1511

== file4.txt ==
abcd e544f222e0jk64 1512
abcd e544f222e0jk65 1513
abcd e544f222e0jk66 1514
abcd e544f222e0jk67 1515
$ # display the contents of the shell script that loops through these
$ # text files and calculates the average of the 3rd field for each
$ # of them
$ cat -n script1.sh
     1    #!/bin/bash
     2    for f in *.txt; do
     3      avg=$(awk '{sum += $3} END {print sum/NR}' $f)
     4      echo "Average for file: $f = $avg"
     5    done
$ # run the shell script
$ . script1.sh
Average for file: file1.txt = 1504
Average for file: file2.txt = 1507
Average for file: file3.txt = 1510
Average for file: file4.txt = 1513.5


awk '{T+= $NF} END { print T/NR }' text2

remove the ! and try it out.

# echo "scale=1 ; $(echo {$(sed -e 's/[[:alnum:]][[:alnum:]]* [[:alnum:]][[:alnum:]]* //' -e '$! s/$/+/' infile)} | bc) /`sed -n '$=' infile`" | bc