Extract lines that appear twice

I have a text file that looks like this :


How could I code this to extract just the subjects that appear twice? I originally thought each subject would appear twice, so I just wanted to use the awk 'NR % 2 == 0' command, but that is no longer the case and now I don't know where to start. Help is much appreciated!

Which field is subject?

The 000* series.

awk -F'/' ' ++arr[$4] == 2 { print $4 } ' file

I tried and it didn't seem to work... It just says Unmatched ' ?

You might have missed a quote

$ awk -F'/' ' ++arr[$4] == 2 { print $4 } ' file

Ok I realized I forgot to type an extra ' after F (dumb), but now it returns just usr1 printed once?

What did you try? Are you trying to get subjects or users?

Do the lines in your testfile actually begin with another slash? Because then $4 would be the /-delimited column with the usr1 and you would need /-delimited column 5.

On another note: do you need anything that appears at least 2 times, or exactly 2 times? Because the example code posted does the first.

See if this awk script works for you...

awk -F/ '{x[$4] = (x[$4] ? x[$4] RS $0 : $0); y[$4]++} END {for(i in y) if(y==2) print x}' file