Extract first column from second line in perl

Hello Gurus

I have a source file which has the first line as header and the rest are the records

I need to extract the first column from the second line to extract a value


1783579|090511|0000000000000010006100001001500005020071001|0|1|61|1|150|50|10/01/2007 00:00:00|2.33|2.43|2.36|12/31/2599 00:00:00|0|06/13/2007 00:00:00|G000854 |90
1783579|090511|0000000000000010006100001003000010020071001|0|1|61|1|300|100|10/01/2007 00:00:00|4.42|4.62|4.28|12/31/2599 00:00:00|0|06/13/2007 00:00:00|G000854 |190

O/P should be


The records are in a flat file

Thanks for sparing your time to help me out

perl -F'\|' -alne '$. == 2 && print $F[0]' INPUTFILE
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perl -ne 'printf $.==2&& /^(.+?)\|/?"$1\n":"";' filename
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$ perl -F"\|" -ane 'print "$F[0]\n" if($.==2)' test

$ cat test
1783579|090511|0000000000000010006100001001500005020071001|0|1|61|1|150|50|10/01/2007 00:00:00|2.33|2.43|2.36|12/31/2599 00:00:00|0|06/13/2007 00:00:00|G000854 |90
test|090511|0000000000000010006100001003000010020071001|0|1|61|1|300|100|10/01/2007 00:00:00|4.42|4.62|4.28|12/31/2599 00:00:00|0|06/13/2007 00:00:00|G000854 |190

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Try this,

perl -F"\|" -ane 'print "$F[0]\n" if($.==2)' input_file


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Thanks a lot all of you guys

But I have to open the file from a script

Currently the code is below

open my $fd, "<", $file;
my $a = (split /\|/, scalar <$fd>)[0];
close $fd;

Thanks to Yazu

But how can I add the second line first column condition in the above code

I tried with


No luck

Please help

open my $fd, "<", $file;
<$fd>; # skip the first line;
my $a = (split /\|/, scalar <$fd>)[0];
close $fd;

If you need some other processing you need read the whole line into an array or read lines in a loop.

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Thanks a lot ..working perfect now