Extract data in tabular format from multiple files


I have directory with multiple files from which i need to extract portion of specif lines and insert it in a new file, the new file will contain a separate columns for each file data.


I need to extract Value_1 & Value_3 from all files and insert in output file as below:

File 1 Content:

/2013/April/23 Value_1="10"
/2013/April/23 Value_2="20"
/2013/April/23 Value_3="30"

File 2 Content:

/2013/April/23 Value_1="40"
/2013/April/23 Value_2="50"
/2013/April/23 Value_3="60"

File 3 Content:

/2013/April/23 Value_1="70"
/2013/April/23 Value_2="80"
/2013/April/23 Value_3="90"

Required File output:


Can someone please advise how to achieve this? Thanks

some thing like the following should work, adjust *.dat to provide a suitable file list:

$ for file in  *.dat ; do
       echo "$(grep 'Value_1' $file | cut -d\= -f2),$(grep 'Value_3' $file | cut -d\= -f2)" >>results.csv
$ cat results.csv

Thanks for the reply, the problem that there are 50 values I need to extract in each file and there are 5000 files in total, I can't use grep cause it will be so slow. can we achieve this using sed and awk? The needed values are located in fixed line numbers in all files