Extract both contents from a html file and do printing

Hi there,

Print IP Address:

 grep 'HostID     :'\ nessus.html | awk -F '<br>' '{print $12}' | tr -s ' ' | awk -F ':' '{print "<tr><td>" $2 "</td><td>"}' 

Print Respective Ports:

 grep 'classsubsection\|./tcp\|./udp'\ nessus.html | grep -v 'h2.classsubsection {\|Port\|0/'  | sed 's/<[^>]*>//g' 

Print IP Address:

Print Respective Ports:

25/tcp       53/tcp     53/udp     88/tcp     123/udp   135/tcp     137/udp   139/tcp     389/tcp       445/tcp                 464/tcp   593/tcp     636/tcp     1025/tcp     1027/tcp       1044/tcp     1058/tcp     1063/tcp     1067/tcp     1115/tcp     2301/tcp       2381/tcp                                                   3181/tcp   3268/tcp       3269/tcp     3389/tcp 

I would like to print out in this format say if I would have multiple files to get the IP Addresses and its Ports

<table border='1'>

Another seperate issue is how to search for ip address in the html file instead of using

  grep 'HostID     :'

Without a decent (but maybe abbreviated) input sample (including file nomenclature) your spec is difficult to understand. Please post sth. to work upon.

Hi there,

Actually it is fixed already.

echo "<table border = '1'>"
for file in *.html
    grep 'HostID     :' $file | awk -F '<br>' '{print $12}' | tr -s ' ' | awk -F ':' '{print "<tr><td>" $2 "</td><td>"}' 
    grep 'classsubsection\|./tcp\|./udp' $file | grep -v 'h2.classsubsection {\|Port\|0/' | sed 's/<[^>]*>//g' | grep -v '^$' | awk '{print $0"<br/>"}' 
    echo "</td></tr>"
echo "</table>"

However I am trying to iterate through the files with space. nessus.html

grep: No such file or directory
grep: nessus.html: No such file or directory

Try double quoting the file name variable.

Constructing an organ (pipe next to pipe) might not be the best solution.