Extract a list of files using unzip command

Hi all,
this is my first and i can't speak english well, so please be kind !

Here is my problem :
I want to unzip a list of .zip files stored in one directory, so I though about using that :

unzip '*.zip'

Thing is that all of my zipped folders contain a file with the unique same name : Doc.kml
eg : zipfile1.zip --> Doc.kml
zipfile2.zip --> Doc.kml
zipfileAB.zip --> Doc.kml
So, every unzipping process erase the precedent one...

What I want to do is unzipping all my files (zipfile1.zip,...) by mentionning the name of the unzipped zile (eg not Doc.kml but zipfiles.kml, zipfile2.kml, etc...)

I hope you got what I meant
Thanks for help !!


From man unzip:

       -n     never overwrite existing files.  If a file already exists,  skip
              the extraction of that file without prompting.  By default unzip
              queries before extracting any file that already exists; the user
              may  choose  to  overwrite  only the current file, overwrite all
              files, skip extraction of the current file, skip  extraction  of
              all existing files, or rename the current file.

thanks, I had noticed this.
But, unless typing manually the file name (for hundreds of files!), is it possible to do it more automatically?
I thought using a loop but I don't how to script it

How would it know what filenames you wanted, from which file? Do you have a list?

here a quote of my terminal :

Archive: STR_SUB.zip
replace DOC.kml? [y]es, [n]o, [A]ll, [N]one, [r]ename: r
new name: STR_SUB.kml
inflating: STR_SUB.kml

Archive: ATC.zip
replace DOC.kml? [y]es, [n]o, [A]ll, [N]one, [r]ename: r
new name: ATC.kml
inflating: ATC.kml

Explaining it with words : both zipped files STR_SUB.zip and ATC.zip contain a file named DOC.kml.
When asking replace "DOC.kml?" I type "r" then the name of my zipped files + .kml (eg : ATC + . kml)

Why wouldn't it be possible to do it automatically since I got a question for each zipfile using the name of the archive ?

example : something that could copy the filename ATC in ATC.zip and paste it into ATC.kml while extracting shall be possible, right?

Maybe the unzip function mey not be appropriate to do such a thing?!

Don't know which version of "unzip" you are using, But you could try the "-B" modifier:
Unzip multiple files. Linux | Compmiscellanea.com

Something like (just a hint, remember to try it always in a backup directoy copied from the original):

for i in $( ls -1 *.zip) ; do unzip $i; $k=$(basename -s kml $i); mv Doc.kml $k.kml ; done
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