Exporting Values of Variables to Another File


I'm very new to Linux, and I have a question, I'm hoping you could help me with. :slight_smile:

I have created a file called subject, contains this code:


read -p "Student Name: " NAME
read -p "Student ID: " ID
read -p "Address: " ADDRESS

I'm to create another file called data in the same directory and that file is supposed to import the variables from the subject and print their values.


export NAME
export ID
export ADDRESS
echo "Name: $NAME"
echo "ID: $ID"
echo "Address: $ADDRESS"

However the above code doesn't import any value from the subject file, and just prints blank.

Thank you in advance :b:

Is this homework?

Nope, self learning. :slight_smile:

The 'data' file would just be

My name
My Address

and you'd use it like

./myscript < data

Thank you for you reply, but what I mean is how can I make the data use the values of the variables in subject and print them on the screen? Am I using the export incorrectly or is the problem somewhere else?

./subject < data

By redirecting data into ./subject with <, you are replacing it's standard input. read will read from the file, not the keyboard.

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You need to run the script called subject in a slightly different way such that it executes in the same shell as the script called data . It needs to be run as . ./subject (dot-space-dot-slash-scriptname).


export NAME
export ID
export ADDRESS
. ./subject
echo "Name: $NAME"
echo "ID: $ID"
echo "Address: $ADDRESS"

This is the same way that your login profile works.
Btw. Calling a script data is very confusing and has made your earlier posts ambiguous.

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Thank you both! :slight_smile: