Exponential issues

I have the below awk command to search a row and find the line number. It returns the value in exponential. I understand we can use the print "%.0f\n" to convert the exponential. I wanted to have this in my awk command. Can anyone advise

bnd=`awk '/^GS/{p=NR}$0~"^ABC.*\\*"k{f=1}/^GE/&&f{print p,NR;f=0}' k="$Phone" FileName| cut -d" " -f1`

Something like this?

printf("%02f\n", p)

instead of:

print p

I tried something like this

bnd=`awk '/^GS/{p=NR}$0~"^ABC.*\\*"k{f=1}/^GE/&&f{printf("%02f\n", p);f=0}' k="123213213213" FileName`

It gives me only one value, ideally, it shoud be giving 2 values something like 1495468:1495478. It returns only 1495468.. Not sure. Please advise

You missed print NR
Try this,

printf "%02f %d\n",p,NR;