explanation of getops

hi all,
i am trying to figure out what exactly does this chunk of code which sits in a shell script does. Am not very good at scripting so could someone explain what the below is/does ?? its a ksh (i.e #!/bin/ksh) and sits on a solaris 9 box.


while getopts vrb:c:f: OPT
case $OPT in
r|-r) REFRESH=TRUE; ((C+=1)) ;;

thanks in advance,

getopts is used for parsing for the arguements. The colon specifies that it requires an arguement. Here in your code if you specify the option b or c or f , then it is must that you pass the respective arguements to them.

$OPT is used for the option you are choosing. here if u choose the option r ot -r then setting the flag to true and increasing the count.

do a

man getopts


thanks, that clears up a few things.
