Expired password doesn't prompt for change

I'm on a Solaris 8 box that is not prompting users to change their password after it has expired. I have an older Solaris 8 box that does. We're accessing both via ssh. We have recently built the box that doesn't prompt from scratch. Obviously, we've overlooked something but we don't know what.

Here's what we're seeing upon logging in to the problem system:

 poll@pse2's password: 
 Connection to pse2 closed by remote host.
 Connection to pse2 closed.

No prompt, no nothing, just dumps us out.
Now the good system:

 poll@psetest's password: 
 Last login: Fri Apr 25 08:04:25 2008 from bc145
 WARNING: Your password has expired.
 You must change your password now and login again!
 passwd: Changing password for poll
 Enter existing login password: 

At which point we change our password withoout difficulty.

The question is, why are we not getting the prompt, and how do we resolve it??


cat /etc/release on both boxes to make sure that you started with the same release. Then do "showrev -p" on both boxes to compare install patches. It will probably be a missing pam patch.

The releases are different as are the patches. The new box is newer on both.

Solaris 8 2/04 s28s_hw4wos_05a SPARC (new)
Solaris 8 2/02 s28s_u7wos_08a SPARC (old)

Both on different types of boxes as well, although I don't think this is hardware related at all. Unless there's a problem with a newer patch or release, then this isn't related to them. It seems to me that this is a standard thing for all O/Ss to do, prompt the user when their password expires. It surely seems like it works in all other versions of Solaris. Is there another road that we can explore?? Help!!